What’s New in Microsoft Azure SDK 2.3 & VS 2013 (Released April 2nd,2014)

Well, Early on this month there is a new release of  Microsoft Azure SDK 2.3 is released & brought up some new features & capabilities. Lets look at them one by one.

1. Disappearance of DSInit.exe :  With the release of Azure SDK 2.3 , the dev fabric storage initializer is appeared.

DSInit2. Appearance of WAStorageEmulator.exe :  In Azure SDK 2.3, there is a new tool available for initialization called, WAStorageEmulator.exe  which is available under the following location : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Storage Emulator.



  • In order to initialize the development storage environment , simply type

    WAStorageEmulator.exe Init

  • Similarly , you can check the status of the dev fabric storage emulator , type

WAStorageEmulator.exe Status

WAStorage3. Deprecation of old GUI for Windows Azure Storage Emulator : The old GUI of Azure Storage Emulator in Visual Studio is deprecated from version 2.3 on wards, however there is option to continue with new command line interface or old GUI.



4. Enhancement of Server Explorer in Visual Studio 2013 : There  is a significant enhancement in Server Explorer of Visual Studio 2013 , for Azure SDK 2.3. Presence of  Azure Notification Hubs, Service Bus, Virtual Machine migration etc.


  • Diagnostics and debugging :(Visual Studio 2012 and 2013)- Remotely diagnose application issues using new remote debugging for Virtual Machines and new native code debugging. Debug Cloud Services locally with Emulator Express, which is now GA and the default option for new Cloud Service projects. Improvements have also been made to the Storage Emulator.

For More information on this latest updates, please follow the resourceful link.