What’s new in Azure SDK 2.5 & Visual Studio 2013 Update 4

Recently, after playing enough with Azure Stream Analytics , it’s time to move on with azure .net development & a new version of Azure sdk is published. Let’s have a quick overview on latest azure sdk.

First of all, lets download the sdk from webpi console, as directed ‘Microsoft Azure SDK 2.5 for .NET(VS 2013)


In this edition, there are few new components added like as:

i) EnvironmentTools.VS.msi

ii) HiveODBC32.msi


iv) Microsoft.Azure.HDInsightTools-x64.msi

v) Microsoft.Azure.HDInsightTools-x86.msi

so on…


Now, after installing sdk 2.5 , lets start with Visual Studio 2013.


Expand on ‘QuickStart’ under ‘Cloud’ & start exploring options to create AppService , Compute & DataService directly from VS 2013 /2012 itself.



The default ‘DataBlobStorage1’ sample would be created in VS to create blob container, create a block blob/page blob, upload a new blob , delete a blob (all basic CRUD operations on blob using REST)


Next, the major improvements is done on Azure HDinsight shell integration into Visual Studio onto which you can now run your custom Hive table queries on HDFS of HDInsight clusters. Lets create a sample Hive query file on VS 2013.

Lets move into HDInsight tab on left side of VS installed menu & select HDInsight’ & select ‘HiveApplication’ to start with new Hive-ql. For this demo, I am selecting Hive Sample from VS.



On selecting Hive sample, I would be able to open the sample Hive queries on ‘weblogAnalysis.hql‘  & ‘sensordataAnalysis.hql’ from Azure HDinsight cluster.

Here goes a sample weblogAnalysis.hql:

— create table weblogs on space-delimited website log data.
— In this sample we will use the default container. You could also use ‘wasb://[container]@[storage account].blob.core.windows.net/Path/To/Data/’ to access the data in other containers.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weblogs(s_date date, s_time string, s_sitename string, cs_method string, cs_uristem string,
cs_uriquery string, s_port int, cs_username string, c_ip string, cs_useragent string,
cs_cookie string, cs_referer string, cs_host string, sc_status int, sc_substatus int,
sc_win32status int, sc_bytes int, cs_bytes int, s_timetaken int )
STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION ‘/HdiSamples/WebsiteLogSampleData/SampleLog/’
TBLPROPERTIES (‘skip.header.line.count’=’2’);


Before proceeding with the realtime hive queries, we need to make sure that the Azure HDI cluster is already provisioned & it might be either a simple Hadoop HDI cluster, HBase HDI cluster or Storm HDI cluster to build hive tables on top of it.


There’s a new option came out for Azure HDI cluster to add custom powershell scripts while provisioning a HDI cluster using azure portal. Also, new additions of HDI cluster is exploration of R(official cran packages) & Apache Spark on hdinsight hdfs cluster which will be covered with demo next.